USER’S GUIDE284 CyberSWITCHThe SNMP Agent will process all SNMP Protocol Data Units (PDUs) which are received at a LANport or which are received at a WAN port. (A PDU contains both data and control (protocol)information that allows the two processes to coordinate their interactions. The SNMP feature hasfive types of PDUs: GetRequests, GetNextRequests, GetResponses, SetRequests, and Traps.) This isshown in the above illustration, which depicts a network in which the Network ManagementStation on LAN A or the remote NMS can manage the system.All SNMP GetRequest, GetNextRequest, and SetRequest PDUs will be parsed and processed by theSNMP Agent, and an appropriate GetResponse PDU will be generated in response to each validrequest PDU. In addition, to ensure security, each incoming PDU will be authenticated by theSNMP Agent. The authentication scheme makes use of a table of Community Name/MIB-access-level pairs, which is searched to determine if the Community Name specified in an incomingrequest PDU is valid. If the Community Name is valid, the corresponding MIB access level is thenchecked to determine if the Community Name has the access rights needed to perform the desiredPDU action. If either the Community Name or the MIB access right level is invalid, the SNMPAgent will discard the request PDU.The collection of data objects that can be managed using the GetRequest, GetNextRequest, andSetRequest PDUs is known as the Management Information Base (MIB). The MIB maintained bythe SNMP Agent consists of a universal standard set of objects, known as MIB-2, as well as a set ofobjects that are specific to the system, known as the Enterprise MIB.The definition for MIB-2 is given in RFC (Request For Comments) 1213: “Management InformationBase for Network Management of TCP/IP-based Internets: MIB-II.”The SNMP Agent supports the following MIB-2 groups: the System group, the Interfaces group, theAddress Translation (AT) group, the Internet Protocol (IP) group, the Internet Control MessageProtocol (ICMP) group, the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) group, the Transmission ControlProtocol (TCP) group, and the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) group.MIB FormatterASN. 1 FileWANMIBMIBNetwork ManagementStationNetwork ManagementStation128.111.1.1LAN A128.111.1.1CSX150