Small Office Remote Access Switch 179CONFIGURING A LTERNATE ACCESSESX.25 AccessesX.25 A CCESSESCONFIGURING AN X.25 A CCESSNote the following:• X.25 accesses are available only if you have purchased the additional software module forpacket switched accesses.• To establish virtual circuits over X.25, you must enable device level security (page 120).• You may only configure one X.25 access per CyberSWITCH, and one line per access.• Bearer channels used by X.25 accesses can not be shared by other access types.• Compression is not available over X.25 connections.• For X.25 over a D-Channel, you must configure the datalink (for the line you are using) to sup-port X.25 communications (page 73).U SING CFGEDITTo add an X.25 access, several categories of information must be configured, including basicconfiguration information including line information, Link Access Procedure Balanced (LAPB)parameters (not required for X.25 over a D-Channel), X.25 parameters, and finally, virtual circuitparameters. A separate section for configuring each of the above categories follows.Notes: If you are unsure of a value, select the default value if one is provided. If you want tochange an existing X.25 access configuration, select the “change” option from the main X.25Access menu. A submenu will display the various categories described below. You canthen select to edit individual categories without paging through all of the parameters. It isimportant to note that the line used for an existing X.25 access cannot be changed.Individual characteristics of the line can change, for example, the data rate, bearers, orPublic Packet Switched Network (PPSN) phone number. If another line is to be used, theexisting access must be deleted, and added back in.B ASIC C ONFIGURATION INFORMATION1. Select Access from the Physical Resources menu, then follow the onscreen instructions to addan X.25 access.2. You will be asked whether or not a D-channel is to be used for this access. A list of availablelines will be displayed dependent on your answer. For X.25 over a D-Channel, you must selecta line with a data link configured to support X.25 communications (page 73). Select the line Idthis access will be using. A BRI line that is in use by another type of access will not be availablefor use by an X.25 access.3. Enter an X.25 access name of 1 to 16 non-blank, alpha-numeric characters. The X.25 access nameis a user-defined name and is provided as an aid in helping you track events occurring on anX.25 access.4. Enter the X.121 address of the local DTE (the CyberSWITCH).5. If you are configuring this access for a D-channel to be used, skip to X.25 ConfigurationInformation to continue your configuration. The rest of the basic configuration information andLAPB configuration information is not needed.6. Select the data rate for the line.