Small Office Remote Access Switch 535S YSTEM COMMANDSWAN Commandssentry aceAttempts an authentication session using ACE. The system will report whether theauthentication attempted was successful or rejected.WAN C OMMANDSThe following commands are used to display current system WAN diagnostic information:wan fr-ietf stats [device/fr_accessname_dlci] [prot]Displays the current frame relay IETF related statistics. Refer to WAN FR_IETF Statistics, for alist of available statistics and their definitions.wan statsDisplays the current WAN statistics. Refer to WAN Statistics for a list of available statistics andtheir definitions.X.25 C OMMANDSThe following commands are used to display information concerning both the status and trafficstatistics of a particular X.25 connection. A command is also available to allow the X.25 and LAPBpacket tracing options to be enabled or disabled.trace lapb [on/off]Enables or disables the LAPB data link information packet tracing option. This feature displaysup to 15 octets of the packet. To display the log file, issue thedr console command. This optionis initially disabled.trace x25 [on/off]Enables or disables the X.25 packet tracing option. This feature displays up to 15 octets of thepacket. To display the log file, issue thedr console command. This option is initially disabled.x25 clearClears the statistics counters associated with thex25 stat command for the currentlyselected access and LCN.x25 clearallClears all statistics associated with thex25 stat command for the currently selected accessand LCN.x25 display [access name]Displays the configuration for the default X.25 access if no access name is specified. If an accessname is specified, the configuration for that access is displayed. Note that this also includes anyconfiguration information of any PVCs associated with this access.x25 l “m”>The “l” option will set the Logical Channel Number (LCN) index specified by “m” as thedefault LCN for subsequent commands entered without an explicit LCN specifier. LCN “m”will remain the default LCN until the default is changed through reissuing thex25 l “m”> command.