ROUTINE MAINTENANCEOVERVIEWThe information in this chapter provides instructions for performing routing maintenance on theCyberSWITCH. The information falls into the following categories:• installing/upgrading system software• executing configuration changes• performing a configuration backup and restore• obtaining system custom informationINSTALLING /U PGRADING S YSTEM S OFTWARESystem software is delivered on a CD. For details regarding your specific software version, viewthe System Release Notes by issuing thelist rel_notes.txt command. For installation and/or upgrade details, refer to Upgrading System Software.E XECUTING C ONFIGURATION C HANGESThere is a configuration utility, CFGEDIT, and a dynamic management mechanism, Manage Mode,which may be used together to execute configuration changes. The following sections brieflydescribe these tools. For a detailed explanation of the configuration process, refer to ConfigurationTools. For information on configuration elements, refer to the configuration chapters of this guide.CONFIGURATION FILESThe system maintains configuration information in four separate configuration files, which arelocated in the system’s \config directory. These files are:• network.nei• node.nei• devdb.nei• lan.nei• ip.nei• platform.neiFor more details on these and other system files, refer to the Software Overview chapter.M AKING CHANGES USING CFGEDITIf you need to make changes to the system’s configuration, you can change the configuration filesusing the run-time configuration utility, CFGEDIT. To begin, you must have an activeadministration session up. Then, enter the following command at the system prompt:cfgeditAs long as there is no other “change” session active (CFGEDIT or Manage Mode), you will haveaccess to the configuration editor. Make the required configuration changes. Note that these