Small Office Remote Access Switch 349S YSTEM VERIFICATIONVerifying IP RIPVERIFYING IP RIP O UTPUT P ROCESSING ON A LAN I NTERFACETo verify that IP RIP Output Processing (routes advertisement) is properly operational on a LANinterface, the IP RIP processing must be successfully initialized. Also, a local IP host (router) mustbe connected to the local LAN port on the system and capable of learning routes information viaRIP.Below is an example of a configuration used to verify IP RIP output processing on a LAN interface.It uses IP addresses specific to the example. Substitute the IP addresses of your network when youperform the verification steps. It also uses thenetstat administration console command. Thenetstat command displays the IP routing table of the system. Substitute the equivalent commandon your IP host.To verify the operation of IP RIP output processing on a LAN interface:1. Make sure that a static route to the network is configured on SITE1. On SITE1’sadministration console type:ip route If the route to is displayed continue with the next step.If the route is NOT displayed, use the Manage Mode commandiproute add to add thestatic route.2. Determine if a local IP Host A has learned the route to from System A. On IP Host Atype:netstat -r If the route to 192.1.10 is displayed, the IP RIP output processing is operational.If the route is NOT displayed, refer to IP RIP Output Processing on a LAN Interface in the ProblemDiagnosis chapter."SITE1" "SITE2" A100.0.0.2LAN