Small Office Remote Access Switch 451SYSTEM M ESSAGESSystem Message SummarySPID FSM got unidentifiable INFO msg - Slot= Port= Ces=suffix>An unexpected information message was received from the network on the indicated line. If youare having trouble establishing calls on this line, the problem should be reported to your phonecompany.SSB: Can’t read RTC prior to i960 POSTsThe Real Time Clock became inaccessible before invoking the i960 POSTs. The RTC is used to guardagainst infinite loops while waiting for the i960 to run its POST tests. The boot process shouldcontinue; however, make note of the error message in the event of a future problem.SSB: Couldn’t read RTC during i960 POSTsThe Real Time Clock became inaccessible during the running of the i960 POSTs. The RTC is usedto guard against infinite loops while waiting for the i960 to run its POST tests. The boot processshould continue; however, make note of the error message in the event of a future problem.SSB: i960 I/O memory copy differs from flash image at After loading the i960 POST tests into the I/O memory, a value unexpectedly changed at theaddress given.SSB: i960 Memory read error at , expected , read While testing the shared memory area (I/O memory and the peripheral buffer memory), an errorwas detected. The boot process should continue; however, make note of the error message in theevent of a future problem.SSB: i960 POST number not equal to i386’sThe i386 requested the i960 to run a specific POST. Upon receiving the response, from the i960, itwas determined that a different POST was actually run.The boot process should continue; however, make note of the error message in the event of a futureproblem.SSB: Post 23 i960host_int_reg FAILUREThe i960 failed its internal register test. The boot process should continue; however, make note ofthe error message in the event of a future problem.SSB: Post 24 i960io_int_reg FAILUREThe i960 failed its I/O register test. The boot process should continue; however, make note of theerror message in the event of a future problem.SSB: Post 25 i960io_mod_mem_1 FAILUREThe i960 failed its I/O memory test using the first test pattern. The boot process should continue;however, make note of the error message in the event of a future problem.SSB: Post 26 i960io_mod_mem_2 FAILUREThe i960 failed its I/O memory test using the second test pattern. The boot process should continue;however, make note of the error message in the event of a future problem.SSB: Post 27 i960timer_82c54FAILUREThe i960 failed its timer unit test. The boot process should continue; however, make note of theerror message in the event of a future problem. PreviousNext |