USER’S GUIDE360 CyberSWITCH1. Set up two systems in a back-to-back, dedicated, BRI scenario where at least one of the systemsis a PC-Platform. Configure a dedicated access between the 2 systems.2. The usage of a PC-platform exploits the fact that the layer 1 of a PC-based BRI board staysactive even when you exit the software. This gives us a way to simulate an end-to-end B-channel failure. That is, the only remaining way for the other system to detect the error is viathe Link Failure Detection mechanism (there are no D-channel failures or Layer 1 failures).3. On the non-PC system (or either of the two if both are PC-platforms), make sure that LinkFailure Detection is enabled. Go to themc screen to make sure that the dedicated connection isup.4. On the PC-platform system, enter thequit command.5. On the non-PC system wait for approximately the amount time of the echo frequencymultiplied by the maximum attempts. At this time, the feature should detect the failure, andthemc screen should remove the dedicated connection.6. Check the log for the message which indicates that a link failure has been detected.7. If there is a failure, refer to WAN Line Availability for corrective actions.V ERIFYING DHCP R ELAY A GENTThe following sections provide instructions to verify that the DHCP/BOOTP Relay Agent isworking properly.VERIFYING DHCP R ELAY A GENT I NITIALIZATIONRegardless of whether or not the Relay Agent has been enabled via configuration, someinitialization processing is always performed. If this initialization is successful, there should not beany warnings/errors written to the report log by the DHCP Relay Agent.1. Examine the report log. Type:dr 2. Thedr command displays the system report log. Look for any messages that begin with:[DHCP-R]3. The following messages indicate that errors occurred during DHCP/BOOTP Relay Agentinitialization processing:[DHCP-R] Failed to allocated memory for transmit buffer pool[DHCP-R] Relay Agent initialization failedIf you do not see either of these messages in the report log, the DHCP/BOOTP Relay Agent hassuccessfully performed its initialization processing.If either (or both) of these messages are contained in the report log, refer to Relay AgentInitialization in the Problem Diagnosis chapter.