Small Office Remote Access Switch 327C ONFIGURING O THER ADVANCED O PTIONSCompression OptionsC OMPRESSION O PTIONSCompression allows the CyberSWITCH to compress outgoing data and decompress incomingdata. This allows user devices on the WAN to initiate a connection to the system over the switcheddigital network and transmit and receive compressed data, thereby increasing the amount of datathat can be transmitted over the line and decreasing the transmission time.CONFIGURING COMPRESSION O PTIONSU SING CFGEDIT1. Select Compression Options from the options menu. The following menu will be displayed:2. Select option 1 and follow the onscreen instructions to enable compression on a system-widebasis. If enabled, the system will negotiate compression with remote devices per theirindividual device configuration. If disabled, the system will not negotiate compression withany remote device.3. Select option 2 and follow the onscreen instructions to either enable or disable per-devicecompression. This defines the initial value for the per-device state when a new device is addedto the on-node device table. Or, if the device is authenticated via an off node server, the devicewill be given its compression enable/disable state based on this value when no value isdelivered by the off-node database.4. Option 3 is only applicable when using PPP compression with the STAC-LZS protocol. Thisallows you to change the starting PPP STAC-LZS sequence number for devices that do not havethe starting sequence of 1.COMPRESSION O PTIONS CONFIGURATION ELEMENTSCOMPRESSION S UBSYSTEM S TATUSYou may enable or disable the compression subsystem status. This option provides enable/disablecontrol over the entire compression subsystem within the system. If this option is enabled, thesystem will negotiate compression with remote devices per their individual device compressionconfiguration. If this option is disabled, the system will not negotiate compression with any remotedevice. The default value is enabled.Note that enable/disable applies to all protocols which support compression.D EFAULT PER-D EVICE COMPRESSION S ETTINGYou may enable or disable the per-device compression setting. This is in addition to the globalcompression enable/disable state described above. The Default Per-Device Compression settingdefines the initial value for the per-device state when you add a new device to the on-node devicetable. Or, if the device is authenticated via an off node server, the device will be given itsCompression Options Menu:1) Compression Subsystem (Enable/Disable)2) Default Per-Device Compression setting (Enable/Disable)3) Starting PPP STAC-LZS Sequence NumberSelect function from above or for previous menu: