Small Office Remote Access Switch 355S YSTEM VERIFICATIONVerifying the AppleTalk Routing Feature2. Look for the following message among the system messages:AppleTalk routing initialized successfully3. For the AppleTalk port that has been configured, the following port initialization messageshould be displayed among the system messages:AppleTalk successfully initialized on with addressNote: is either LAN port 1, LAN port 2 or WAN. is the AppleTalk address assigned to this port.4. If you see these AppleTalk routing initialization messages, then the AppleTalk routing hasinitialized properly.If these messages are NOT displayed, refer to AppleTalk Routing Initialization in the ProblemDiagnosis chapter.VERIFYING APPLE TALK ROUTING IS O PERATIONALTo verify that AppleTalk routing is properly operational, a remote Macintosh must be operationaland available to initiate WAN connections via a remote AppleTalk router device. Also, a localMacintosh device must be connected to the local LAN port on the CyberSWITCH.Below is an example of a configuration used to verify AppleTalk Routing operation. It usesAppleTalk addresses, zones and resource names specific to the example. Substitute those of yournetwork when you perform the AppleTalk Routing feature verification steps.ISDNCSX150"Site1"CSX1200"Site2"Net Range: 10-11Zone: Left ZoneNet Range: 20-21Zone: Right ZoneLocal Mac Remote MacWORKGROUP REMOTE ACCESS SWITCHLAN10BASE-TRXTXSERVICE CH-2D-CHCH-1SYNCPOWERLINE1CH-2D-CHCH-1SYNCLINE2CH-2D-CHCH-1SYNCLINE3CH-2D-CHAGICH-1SYNCLINE4 PreviousNext |