USER’S GUIDE496 CyberSWITCHTRYINGThe system is attempting to call the device. Some connections may be up, but not at the initialdata rate.statusDisplays initialization, current status, and connection information, as well as any errors thathave been detected.led statusAllows you to view a snapshot of LED information from a remote terminal. It displays a verybasic ASCII rendering of the front of the system you are accessing. Each one of the WAN LEDsand the Service LED are labeled, and the state of each is indicated by an “O” for on, and a “.”for off.Note that if the B-channels on a line are flickering, you will only see the current state of theflicker. The image could actually represent a busy system that has every channel active, but theLEDs for all the channels just happen to be off the instant the “snapshot” was taken.Refer to the LED Indicators chapter for a more detail description of the LED indicators.timeDisplays the current system time. This can be useful when viewing system messages orstatistics.verDisplays the version number of the software that is currently running on the system (II, III,etc.). In addition, it displays all other custom information for this copy of the system software,such as the platform, the installed resources, and the hardware resource revision information.The ver command also displays a connections table. It displays the connection lines for featuresthat are loaded only. Consider the following example of a connections table:Capacities Potential ActualPhysical Connections 8 8X.25 Connections 32 32Frame Relay Connections 48 33Combined Maximum Connections 88 33Description:• The first column is the connection type.• The second column is the potential number of connections.• The third column is the actual number of connections possible. The actual number may differfrom the potential number due to memory constraints.• The combined maximum line shows the maximum number of connections possible for alltypes combined. If the potential and actual column do not match on this line, then there arenot enough connections for all the connection types to use their respective maximum num-ber of connections at the same time.For our example, the most connections possible without memory limitations is 88. This is thesum of all the connection types. Since there is not enough memory for 88, the actual number of