Small Office Remote Access Switch 353S YSTEM VERIFICATIONVerifying IPX Routing is OperationalVERIFYING IPX R OUTING OVER A LAN CONNECTIONTo verify the operation of IPX Routing over a LAN connection:1. Determine if SITE1 can access the local NetWare Server “local.” On SITE1’s administrationconsole type:ipx diag cc:1 Note: Node address 1 is used by the NetWare servers as part of their internal address.2. If the system displays a response to theipx diag command similar to:received 3 components from cc:1then IPX routing over that LAN port is operational.If this message IS NOT displayed, then IPX routing over the LAN connection is not operational.Refer to IPX Routing over the LAN Connection in the Problem Diagnosis chapter.VERIFYING AN IPX REMOTE LAN CONNECTIONTo verify that IPX routing is properly operating over a WAN Remote LAN interface, a remote IPXrouter (in our example this is SITE1) must be operational and connected to the Remote LAN. Theremote bridge device (in our example, this is SITE2) must be operational and available to initiateconnections.1. From the router (SITE1), verify that the IPX Remote LAN interface has initialized. On therouter’s administration console type:drYou should see messages stating that the IPX network has initialized successfully on xxxx.Verify that “xxxx” is the network number of the Remote LAN.2. Determine the router’s (SITE1) MAC address. From the router, issue the command:ver3. From the remote bridge (SITE2), attempt to access the IPX router by issuing the followingadministration console command:ipx diag xxxx:yyyyyyyyyyyywhere: xxxx is the IPX Network Numberyyyyyyyyyyyy is the router’s MAC address4. Verify the call has come up. From the router side (SITE1), issue the following administrationconsole command to display the monitor connections screen:mcIf the call is displayed on the monitor connections screen, the IPX Remote LAN interface isoperational. If the call is not displayed, refer to IPX Routing over the Remote LAN Connection inthe Problem Diagnosis chapter.