Small Office Remote Access Switch 369PROBLEM DIAGNOSISDedicated ConnectionsProblem:A WAN line is unavailable, and the following two messages are displayed together (to displaymessages, issue thedr console command):WAN card in slot signals it is operationalAbnormal response rcvd: state=-1 msg=73 reason=6 cc state=-1Action:1. Check the configuration. Verify that all lines are configured with corresponding data links. Ifthis is not the case, add data links to all configured lines.D EDICATED C ONNECTIONSProblem:A dedicated connection is not functioning.Action:If the dedicated connection is not up, this usually indicates that the device could not be validatedfor some reason. Check the configuration for the device that will be using the dedicated connection,and make any necessary corrections.F RAME R ELAY C ONNECTIONSProblem:The system displays the following message in the report log.Unexpected error during transmission of LMI frameAction:Start up the run-time configuration utility CFGEDIT by entering the following console command:cfgeditFor the Frame Relay access, change the Frame Relay LMI type.Save the configuration change, and restart the system.Problem:The system displays one of the following message in the report log.[FR_IETF] Authentication Failure of remote device “NAME”[FR_IETF] Off-node Authentication Failure of remote device “NAME”Action:The device indicated device database does not have a device entry corresponding to the permanentvirtual circuit. Start up the run-time configuration utility CFGEDIT by entering the followingconsole command:cfgeditFor the Frame Relay PVC, change the PVC name to match the remote device name.