Small Office Remote Access Switch 375PROBLEM DIAGNOSISIP Routing Over Interface Connectionsencapsulations. Correct the IP Host or system configuration (through CFGEDIT) forencapsulation type.5. Try to ping the Host from another device on the LAN. If this is also unsuccessful, this mayindicate a problem with the Host.6. Verify that the hardware address (MAC address) for the IP Host in the system’s ARP cache iscorrect. If it is not correct, verify the configuration in the IP Host.IP ROUTING OVER A WAN I NTERFACE CONNECTIONProblem:The remote IP Host connected to a WAN interface does not receive a ping response from theCyberSWITCH WAN interface.Action:1. Verify that the WAN connection is up. Use themc console command to display the ConnectionMonitor display. Check for the connection. If the connection is up, continue with the next step.If the connection is not up, refer to the section titled Remote Device Connectivity.2. Verify that the WAN interface is properly initialized. Use theipnetif command (ManageMode) to check for the proper WAN interface. If it exists, continue with the next step.If the proper WAN interface does not exist, make corrections to the system configuration usingCFGEDIT.3. Check that the IP address configured in the Device list for the IP Host device matches theaddress configured on the IP Host device. Make corrections to the CyberSWITCH’sconfiguration (using theiproute change Manage Mode command), or to the IP Host’sconfiguration, as required.Problem:The remote IP Host connected to a WAN interface on the CyberSWITCH does not receive a pingresponse from the LAN interface.Action:1. Verify that the remote IP Host can access the WAN interface of the CyberSWITCH. If theremote IP Host accesses the WAN interface successfully, then continue with the next step.If the remote IP Host is not able to access the WAN interface, then refer to the precedingproblem and associated actions.2. Verify that the LAN interface is properly configured by using theipnetif command (aManage Mode command). If the proper LAN interface exists, then continue with the next step.If the proper LAN interface does not exist, use CFGEDIT to make corrections.3. Verify that the remote IP Host is initiating a call to the CyberSWITCH. Since the LAN interfacehas an IP address assigned with a different network number than the one for the remote IP