CONFIGURING OFF - NODE SERVER I NFORMATIONOVERVIEWYou can configure both local device entries and remote authentication databases for deviceauthentication. When a device needs to be authenticated, the CyberSWITCH will first look thedevice up locally, and, if there is no device entry, will then check the remote database for deviceauthentication.This chapter provides information on configuring the CyberSWITCH to be able to communicatewith an off-node server to receive authentication information. The off-node authentication serverssupported are:• VRA Manager• RADIUS• TACACS• ACEAlso, please refer to your specific off-node server documentation for information on each server’sindividual requirements.M ULTIPLE ADMINISTRATION L OGIN NAMESWhen configuring the off-node server itself, you may configure up to 101 different names for systemadministration login. You may assign administration capabilities to specific personnel with differentpasswords, passcodes, and/ or SecureID cards. By using this feature, you can track who logged into what system via the security server log.When configuring your off-node server, identify each device and/or user with one of the followingaccess levels:• guest: limited access• admin: administrative-level access when only one administrator necessary• admin00 through admin99: administrative-level access for multiple usersAn example of a properly configured ACE server may resemble the following:User Clientname: John Doe name: mynode1address: Remote Office1 address: activation: mynode1 type: communications serverdefault login name: admin10 user activation: John Doeassigned token: 04690074