USER’S GUIDE456 CyberSWITCH[TFTP] Remote error # 0: (Text from Remote Host)Undefined error. The accompanying text (if any) should describe the error. The file beingtransferred may be corrupted.[TFTP] Remote error # 1: (Text from Remote Host)The REMOTE HOST could not find the file specified on its system. No file transfer will beattempted.[TFTP] Remote error # 2: (Text from Remote Host)The REMOTE HOST is reporting an access violation of the specified file. No file transfer will beattempted.[TFTP] Remote error # 3: (Text from Remote Host)The REMOTE HOST is reporting that its disk is full. The file being transferred may be corrupted.[TFTP] Remote error # 4: (Text from Remote Host)The REMOTE HOST is reporting that it received a TFTP packet that it was not expecting. The filebeing transferred may be corrupted.[TFTP] Remote error # 5: (Text from Remote Host)The REMOTE HOST is reporting that it was not expecting a packet from our system. The file beingtransferred may be corrupted.[TFTP] Remote error # 6: (Text from Remote Host)The REMOTE HOST is unable to overwrite the specified file. No file transfer will be attempted.[TFTP] Remote error # 7: (Text from Remote Host)This message indicates that the specified device does not exist. This error should not occur sinceTFTP does not use Device Ids.[TFTP} Server UDP port (69) closed successfullyInformational message stating that the TFTP server UDP port was successfully closed.[TFTP} Server UDP port (69) opened successfullyInformational message stating that the TFTP server UDP port was successfully opened.[TFTP] Unable to allocate data buffersThe entire TFTP feature (both Server and Client) was not initialized. Contact your Distributor orCustomer Support.[TFTP] Unable to open Server UDP port (69)The TFTP Server was not initialized; however, the TFTP Client may still work. If this messageoccurs repeatedly, or if the TFTP Client does not work, contact your Distributor or CustomerSupport.The call deflection selection is prior to CCITT 1988Verify that the facilities provided by the service provider are CCITT 1988.The call has been disconnectedA call has been up longer than the amount of time configured and has been taken down.