Small Office Remote Access Switch 361S YSTEM VERIFICATIONVerifying DHCP Relay AgentVERIFYING THE RELAY AGENT IS ENABLEDIf the Relay Agent has been enabled via configuration, it will attempt to open a UDP port for use.A message describing the outcome of this operation will appear in the report log.1. Examine the report log. Type:dr 2. Look for any messages that begin with [DHCP-R].3. If the Relay Agent has been enabled via configuration, the following message should appear:[DHCP-R] Relay Agent enabled; UDP port (67) openedIf the above message was found in the report log, the Relay Agent has been successfullyenabled.If an error occurred while trying to enable the Relay Agent, the following message will bepresent in the report log:[DHCP-R] Failed to open UDP port (67), erc= return code>If this error message is found in the report log, refer to Enabling the Relay Agent in the ProblemDiagnosis chapter.VERIFYING THE RELAY AGENT IS O PERATIONALOnce the Relay Agent has been successfully initialized and enabled, DHCP Clients should be ableto obtain their IP addresses (and other configuration parameters) from a DHCP Server.For example purposes, assume the following diagram represents the network the Relay Agent isbeing used in. This configuration is useful when a remote IP router is known to have access to aDHCP Server, but that router is not a DHCP/BOOTP Relay Agent.In this configuration, the DHCP Client is able to obtain its IP address from the DHCP Server, usingthe Relay Agent contained in the IP Router on the client’s LAN (“Ruby”).ISDNIP Router ("Alex") CSX150IP Router w/ DHCPRelay Agent ("Ruby")DHCP ServerDHCP Client192.168.1.5192.168.1.168