USER’S GUIDE342 CyberSWITCH2. If a message similar to the following is displayed, the IP host mode feature over the specifiedLAN port is operational. Repeat this step for each LAN port on your Ethernet resource. is alive3. If this message is not displayed, then the IP Host mode feature over the LAN connection is notoperational. Refer to IP Host Mode Operation over the LAN Interface Connection in the ProblemDiagnosis chapter.4. Once IP Host Mode feature is operational on each LAN port on your Ethernet resource, then IPHost Mode feature over the LAN Connection is operational.V ERIFYING IP H OST MODE O PERATION OVER A WAN CONNECTIONThe steps to verify the operation of IP Host mode feature over a WAN connection are:1. Determine if a remote IP Host (Host B) can access the system. On the remote IP host type:ping If a message similar to the following is displayed, the IP host mode feature over the specifiedWAN connection is operational. is alive3. If this message is not displayed, then IP Host mode feature over the WAN connection is notoperational. Refer to IP Host Mode Operation over the WAN Connection in the Problem Diagnosischapter.V ERIFYING IP R OUTING O VER INTERFACESThe following sections provide a method of verifying that IP routing is operational over theavailable interfaces.VERIFYING IP ROUTING OVER A LAN I NTERFACETo verify that IP routing is operating properly over the LAN connection, an IP host must beconnected to the local LAN port on the CyberSWITCH. The host must be properly configured andoperational on the IP network to which it is connected.Below is an example of a configuration used to verify IP routing over a LAN connection. It uses IPaddresses specific to the example. Substitute the IP addresses of your network when you performthe IP routing verification steps.