USER’S GUIDE258 CyberSWITCHS END FREQUENCYSpecifies the frequency at which the system will transmit RIP packets, if the Send control parameteris set to send for this interface. This parameter is a decimal value specified in seconds from 1 to 300.The default value is 60 seconds.R ECEIVE C ONTROLSpecifies how the system will process RIP packets received on this network interface. If thisparameter is set to receive, the system will process IPX RIP packets received on this networkinterface and update its internal routing tables. If this parameter is set to do not receive, the systemwill not process any IPX RIP packets received on this network interface.RIP E NTRY A GING T IMESpecifies the time it takes for the system to age out and make inactive, a dynamic Routing tableentry learned on this network interface. This parameter is a decimal value specified in seconds from1 to 180. The default is 180 seconds.R ESPOND CONTROLSpecifies how the system should respond to RIP queries from other devices on this networkinterface. If the parameter is set to respond, the system will transmit a RIP response to therequesting device. If this parameter is set to do not respond, the system will ignore RIP Requestsreceived on this network interface.SAP IPX N ETWORK I NTERFACE CONFIGURATION ELEMENTSS END CONTROLSpecifies how the system will send SAP information on this network interface. If this parameter isset to send, the system will transmit IPX SAP packets on this network interface. If this parameter isset to do not send, the system will not transmit any IPX SAP packets on this network interface.S END FREQUENCYSpecifies the frequency at which the system will transmit SAP update packets, if the Send controlparameter is set to send for this interface. This parameter is a decimal value specified in secondsfrom 1 to 300. The default value is 60 seconds.R ECEIVE C ONTROLSpecifies how the system will process SAP packets received on this network interface. If thisparameter is set to receive, the system will process IPX SAP packets received on this networkinterface and update its internal service tables. If this parameter is set to do not receive, the systemwill not process any IPX SAP packets received on this network interface.SAP ENTRY A GING TIMESpecifies the time it takes for the system to age out and make inactive, a dynamic Service table entrylearned on this network interface. This parameter is a decimal value specified in seconds from 1 to180. The default is 180 seconds.R ESPOND CONTROLSpecifies how the system should respond to Service queries from other devices on this networkinterface. If the parameter is set to respond, the system will transmit a SAP response to therequesting device. If this parameter is set to do not respond, the system will ignore Service queriesreceived on this network interface.