USER’S GUIDE352 CyberSWITCHV ERIFYING IPX R OUTER IS I NITIALIZEDTo verify that the IPX Routing option has initialized properly.1. Determine if IPX routing has been initialized on the CyberSWITCH by viewing the systemmessages. To display the messages enter the following console command:dr 2. Look for the following IPX message among the system messages:[IPX] IPX router is initialized successfullyAlso, for each IPX interface that has been configured, the following interface initializationmessage should be displayed among the system messages.[IPX] Network initialized successfully on xxxxxxxx:xxxxxxxxxxxxNote: Other messages may also be displayed with the IPX router initialization messages.If you see these IPX router initialization messages, the IPX router is initialized.If these IPX router initialization messages are NOT displayed, refer to IPX Routing Initializationin the Problem Diagnosis chapter.V ERIFYING IPX R OUTING IS O PERATIONALTo verify that IPX routing feature is properly operational, a local NetWare client, a local NetWareserver and a remote NetWare server must be operational.The following graphic illustrates an example network we will use to describe how to verify that IPXrouting is operational. It uses IPX network addresses specific to the example. Substitute the IPXnetwork numbers of your network when you perform the verification steps. The example also usesNetWare commands available for the Windows 95 workstation. Substitute the equivalentcommands on your NetWare client.ISDNCSX150 CSX150Network AA Network BBNetWareClient ANetWareServer"local"NetWareServer"remote"InternalNetwork CCInternalNetwork DD"SITE1" "SITE2"