USER’S GUIDE214 CyberSWITCH5. PROTOCOL protocol-Id FORWARD < distribution list >This filter allows you to restrict packets based on the Ethernet protocol Id field or thecorresponding 802.3 LSAP field. You can specify the protocol Id that is to be forwarded. Thefiltering mechanism will determine if the packet is Ethernet format or 802.3 format. TheEthernet type or LSAP field will be checked based on packet format.6. PROTOCOL protocol-Id CONNECT < distribution list >This filter allows you to restrict packets based on the Ethernet protocol Id field or thecorresponding 802.3 LSAP field. You can specify the protocol Id that is to be connected andthen forwarded. The filtering mechanism will determine if the packet is Ethernet format or802.3 format. The Ethernet type or LSAP field will be checked based on packet format. See thesection titled Protocol Definitions for more information.7. PACKET OFFSET dd MASK xxxxxxxxxxxx VALUE xxxxxxxxxxxx FORWARDThis filter allows you to restrict packets based on packet data outside the source anddestination MAC addresses or protocol Id. For example, you may wish to filter packets basedon IP address information. You would then specify the offset (dd) into the MAC frame wherethe filter comparison is to begin. The mask data indicates which bits within the frame data aresignificant and will be compared to the value. The frame data is logically “anded” with themask, and then compared to the specified value. The value field must be a subset of the maskfield. That is, the value field logically “anded” with the mask field must equal the value field.The value and mask fields must have equal lengths.8. PACKET OFFSET dd MASK xxxxxxxxxxxx VALUE xxxxxxxxxxxx CONNECTThis filter allows you to restrict packets based on packet data outside the source anddestination MAC addresses or protocol Id. For example, you may wish to filter packets basedon IP address information. You would then specify the offset (dd) into the MAC frame wherethe filter comparison is to begin. The mask data indicates which bits within the frame data aresignificant and will be compared to the value. The frame data is logically “anded” with themask, and then compared to the specified value. The value field must be a subset of the maskfield. That is, the value field logically “anded” with the mask field must equal the value field.The value and mask fields must have equal lengths.9. PACKET OFFSET dd MASK xxxxxxxxxxxx VALUE xxxxxxxxxxxx DISCARD list>This filter allows you to specify the DISCARD filter action on a packet data filter. This gives youthe flexibility of allowing a global class of data to be forwarded, and restrict specific subsets ofthat data. For example you may forward all IPX data packets but restrict workstation watchdogpackets.