Small Office Remote Access Switch 363S YSTEM VERIFICATIONVerifying DHCP: Proxy ClientIf you do not see this message in the report log, the DHCP Proxy Client has successfullyperformed its initialization processing.If this message is contained in the report log, refer to DHCP Proxy Client Initialization in theProblem Diagnosis chapter.VERIFYING THE PROXY CLIENT IS E NABLEDIf the Proxy Client has been enabled via configuration, a relevant message will appear in the reportlog.1. Examine the report log. Type:dr 2. Look for any messages that begin with [DHCP-P].3. If the Proxy Client has been enabled via configuration, the following message should appear:[DHCP-P] Proxy Client enabledIf the above message was found in the report log, the Proxy Client has been successfullyenabled.If an error occurred while trying to enable the Proxy Client, the following message will bepresent in the report log:[DHCP-P] Failed to register with the IP Address Pool Manager,erc= code>If this error message is found in the report log, refer to Enabling the Proxy Client in the ProblemDiagnosis chapter.VERIFYING THE PROXY CLIENT IS O PERATIONALOnce the DHCP Proxy Client manager has been successfully initialized and enabled, it shouldbegin obtaining IP addresses from DHCP servers. The manager examines any WAN and WAN(Direct Host) network interfaces. It then attempts to satisfy the “number of IP addresses to pre-fetch” for each of these network interfaces.UDP P ORTSIn order to reach DHCP servers, the DHCP Proxy Client will open the BOOTPC UDP port, andpossibly the BOOTPS UDP port. One or both of the following messages should then appear in thereport log:[DHCP-P] UDP port (67) opened[DHCP-P] UDP port (68) openedIf neither of these error messages is found in the report log, refer to DHCP Proxy Client Operation inthe Problem Diagnosis chapter.