USER’S GUIDE156 CyberSWITCHOFF- NODE D EVICE D ATABASE L OCATIONCONFIGURING O FF- NODE DEVICE DATABASE LOCATIONU SING CFGEDIT1. Select Off-node Device Database Location from the Device Level Databases menu. If you needguidance to find this menu, refer to the instructions provided in the On-node Device Databaseconfiguration section. The following screen will be displayed:2. Select the location of the off-node device database, or select None in order to use the on-nodedevice database.O FF -NODE DEVICE D ATABASE L OCATION CONFIGURATION E LEMENTSD ATABASE LOCATIONThe database location for device level security. The choices for the off-node database location areNone (Use on-node), VRA Manager, or RADIUS. Choosing an off-node database location enablesthe particular database.Note: Enabling VRA Manager as the off-node device database location automatically enablesVRA Manager as a Call Control Manager. However, disabling VRA Manager as theauthentication agent will not disable VRA Manager as a Call Control Manager. Refer to theSecureFast Virtual Remote Access User’s Guide or the Configuring Call Control chapter of thisguide for more information.O FF -NODE DEVICE D ATABASE L OCATION BACKGROUND I NFORMATIONAn off-node, central database allows a network with more than one CyberSWITCH to access onedatabase for device authentication. The CyberSWITCH will access the off-node database to locateauthentication information on a remote device that is attempting to establish a connection.If the On-node Device Database has been enabled, and either VRA Manager or RADIUS has beenselected as the off-node database location, both databases will be searched for the deviceattempting the incoming or outgoing call. The on-node database will be searched and then, if thecorrect device is not found, the off-node database will be searched. Authentication is based ondevice information received from the first matching database. Matching a device is defined indifferent ways, depending on the call is made. For example, if an outbound call is made on an IPWAN interface by using the ip ping command, the IP address is the method that is used to searchthe database. If a matching IP address is found, a connection is attempted. If the system is unableto authenticate the peer, the connection attempt is done. The system will not attempt to continuesearching the remaining database entries or additional off-node database for the correct peer.Off-node Device Database Location Menu:1) None (Use On-node)2) VRA Manager3) RADIUSCurrent Off-node Device Database Location is "None (Use On-node)".Select function from above or for previous menu: