USER’S GUIDE208 CyberSWITCHD ATA V ALUEHexadecimal number up to 80 characters in length that specifies the value used to determine if thepacket matches the filter. The value field must be a subset of the mask field. That is, the value fieldlogically “anded” with the mask field must be equal to the value field. The value and mask fieldsmust have equal lengths. There must be an even number of hexadecimal digits in the number.PACKET OFFSETA decimal number between 1 and 100 that indicates the starting offset in a data packet where apacket filter will begin its data comparison.PROTOCOL-IDThe symbolic name for the Ethernet protocol to be filtered. The protocol-Id is selected from adisplayed list of previously defined protocols. (Refer to the section titled Protocol Definitions.)H ARDWARE FILTER C ONFIGURATION E LEMENTSMAC ADDRESSAn assigned Media Access Control address as defined by IEEE 802.3 specifications. MAC addressesare specified as 12 character hexadecimal numbers. Up to 63 MAC addresses can be configured.The mode of hardware filtering be in manual to configure this element.MAXIMUM NUMBER OF ADDRESSES TO LEARNA decimal number between 1 and 63 that indicates the maximum number of MAC addresses to belearned by the CyberSWITCH. The mode of hardware filtering must be in auto to configure thiselement.ADDRESS LEARNING TIME-OUTThis timer represents the amount of time the CyberSWITCH will remain in the learning phase.Once either the time limit or the number of addresses limit is reached, the hardware filtering featurewill be enabled and proceed to the forwarding phase.FLUSH & RELEARN TIME-OUT STATUSYou may enable or disable the Flush & Relearn Time-Out option.FLUSH & RELEARN TIME-OUTThis timer represents the amount of time the CyberSWITCH will wait before going back to thelearning phase again. After this time-out, the bridge delete the previously learned addresses andrelearn available MAC addresses.