Small Office Remote Access Switch 167CONFIGURING O FF - NODE S ERVER I NFORMATIONACE Authentication Server4. Select Miscellaneous Information to finish the configuration.a. Specify the number of access request retries that the system will send to the AuthenticationServer.b. Specify the time between retries.c. Choose between the DES or SDI Encryption Method. The algorithm you select must becompatible with the ACE Server setup.d. You will also be prompted for a source IP address. This source IP address should be a validaddress for the CyberSWITCH. The IP address must match the IP address listed for thesystem in the ACE Server host machine’s /etc/hosts file.U SING M ANAGE M ODE C OMMANDSaceDisplays the current ACE Server configuration data.ace changeAllows you to change the current ACE Server configuration data. After entering theacechange command, you will be prompted for the configuration elements you want to change.There is also an option to load the ACE configuration file. Use this option only if you haveselected the alternate method of configuring the ACE Server on the system using thesdconf.rec file.ace reinitAllows you to reinitialize the system ACE client. This is required only if the server’s IP addressor encryption method has been changed. A reinitialization removes the user-named servicesfile as described in the ACE Server documentation.A LTERNATE M ETHOD OF C ONFIGURATIONThere is an alternate method of configuring the ACE Server database using a file on the ACE Serveritself. If you decide to use this alternate method, you would TFTP the file sdconf.rec to the system,placing it in the \config directory. You would then activate the “load” through CFGEDIT (screenon page 166, selection 4) or through MANAGE MODE, using theace change command. A restartwould also activate the “load.” After downloading the file, you will still need to specify the sourceIP address.For more information on the sdconf.rec file and this alternate method of configuration, refer tothe ACE Server documentation.ACE A UTHENTICATION SERVER CONFIGURATION ELEMENTSIP ADDRESSThe IP address in dotted decimal notation for the ACE Server. The IP address must match theaddress used for the server in its host machine’s \etc\hosts file.UDP PORT NUMBERThe UDP port number used by the ACE Server. The default value is 1024. This port number mustmatch the port listed for the SecurID service in the host machine’s \etc\services file.