Small Office Remote Access Switch 561SYSTEM S TATISTICSRIP StatisticsMaximum ServicesMaximum number of services this router is configured to handle.Available ServicesNumber of services currently available on this router.High Water MarkPeak number of services this router has used.RIP S TATISTICSYou can access RIP statistics by using theip rip stats console command. Global RIP statisticsand statistics for each configured RIP interface are included.RIP G LOBAL STATISTICSGlobalRouteChangesThe number of route changes made to the IP route database by RIP. This does not include therefresh of a route’s age.GlobalQueriesThe number of responses sent to RIP queries from other systems.RIP I NTERFACE S TATISTICSThe following set of RIP interface statistics are displayed for each configured RIP interface.IfStatAddressThe IP address of this system on the indicated RIP interface. For unnumbered interfaces, the value0.0.0.N, where the last signification 24 bits (N) is the index for the IP interface in network byte order.IfStatRcvBadPacketsThe number of RIP response packets received by the RIP process which were subsequentlydiscarded for any reason. Example reasons include: a version 0 packet, or an unknown commandtype.IfStatRcvBadRoutesThe number of routes, in valid RIP packets, which were ignored for any reason. Example reasonsinclude: an unknown address family, or an invalid metric.IfStatRcvRequestsThe number of RIP messages with ‘request’ command code received on this interface.IfStatRcvResponsesThe number of RIP messages with ‘response’ command code received on this interface.IfStatSentRequestsThe number of RIP messages with ‘request’ command code sent on this interface.