Small Office Remote Access Switch 149CONFIGURING D EVICE L EVEL DATABASESOn-node Device EntriesIPX ROUTING PROTOCOLIndicates the protocol the remote device will be using to communicate with the CSX system:• none• RIP/SAP• triggered RIP/SAPWAN PEER TYPESpecifies an active WAN peer (receives and sends information at all times) or a passive WAN peer(receives/sends information only when a connection is up). In order for an active peer type to workproperly, the Make Calls field must also be enabled.SPOOFING OPTIONSSpoofing allows you to prohibit excessive ISDN connections by internally generating a desiredresponse packet when a request packet is received that should be routed over the WAN and thereis no connection up to the remote device. Refer to IPX Spoofing for a description of available options.A PPLETALK INFORMATION C ONFIGURATION ELEMENTSAPPLETALK ADDRESSThe AppleTalk address of this device (remote device).If the device communicates using a numbered point-to-point link, then the address must belong toan AppleTalk network to which one of our WAN ports connects.If the device communicates using an unnumbered point-to-point link, the WAN UnNumberedport must be configured and the address must be 0.0.If the device is over a MAC dial-in port, no AppleTalk address needs to be entered. The device isassigned a random AppleTalk address within the specifications of the MAC dial-in portconfiguration each time it connects. However, if you choose to provide an AppleTalk address forthe device, this address will be assigned to the MAC dial-in port device each time it connects.ENABLE/DISABLE APPLETALK ROUTINGThis parameter indicates whether the remote device routes AppleTalk datagrams or not. Whenenabled, it indicates that the remote device will route AppleTalk datagrams. When disabled, itindicates that the remote device will bridge AppleTalk datagrams. Note that it requires AppleTalkRLAN feature to handle bridged AppleTalk datagrams, and therefore until AppleTalk RLAN isimplemented, AppleTalk routing can not be used with remote devices that do not route AppleTalk.ENABLE/DISABLE MAKE CALLS FOR APPLETALK DATAIndicates whether AppleTalk dial out to this device is allowed or not.APPLETALK ROUTING PROTOCOLSpecifies what routing protocol the system should use with this remote device. Since RTMPperiodically sends out routing updates, RTMP should be chosen only when the remote device isconnected over the WAN links whose cost is not a major concern, such as dedicated links. Thedefault value is None.