Small Office Remote Access Switch 175CONFIGURING N ETWORK L OGIN I NFORMATIONLogin Configuration Specific to TACACS Servernetlogin changeAllows you to change the current network login configuration data. After entering thenetlogin change command, you will be prompted for the type of login configurationinformation you want to change. The prompt will resemble the CFGEDIT screen in which thisinformation was originally configured. You may change: user level security generalconfiguration, login banners, login configuration specific to RADIUS, and login configurationspecific to TACACS.L OGIN CONFIGURATION S PECIFIC TO TACACS S ERVER B ACKGROUND I NFORMATIONLOGIN E LEMENTS S PECIFIC TO TACACSThere are login configuration parameters specific to TACACS. These include the specification ofprompt order, a password control character, and specification of messages for TACACS returncodes.The prompt order specified on the system must match the prompt order specified on the TACACSserver. The default order is:First prompt: LOGIN ID PROMPT (fixed)Second prompt: DYNAMIC PASSWORD PROMPTThird prompt: USER PASSWORD PROMPTIf you need to change this order, you may specify this order of prompts in the login process.The password control character is a key sequence you specify to switch between the login modeand the change password mode. In order to enable this feature for the general user, you need toconfigure this password control character.TACACS may provide return code messages upon user login. You may customize these messagesthrough CFGEDIT. The default messages are as follows:If the login process was successful, but the user password is about to expire, one of the followingmessages is displayed:• Password about to expire• Password expiration imminentIf the login process is unsuccessful, one of the following messages is displayed:• Login invalid• Please change PIN• User/Password invalid