USER’S GUIDE58 CyberSWITCHL OCAL U PGRADE OF THE O PERATIONAL S OFTWARE (OSW)To locally upgrade the operational software (OSW) of your system, follow these steps:1. Change the CyberSWITCH system’s baud rate to be the fastest baud rate supported by yourcommunications package (up to 115.2 Kbps). Use theautobaud boot device command tochange the baud rate.2. Login to the CyberSWITCH as admin.3. At the system prompt, enter the command:flash updateThis message is displayed:4. At this time you should press “Y” . After 30 seconds, you will see the startup messages.5. When it displays the download message, “Ready for Xmodem Download,” return to yourcommunication program and use the “XMODEM” protocol for the software download.6. Enter the name of the file that is to be downloaded, using the complete pathname. For example,D:\CSX156\JAPAN\IPIPX\UPGRADE.OSW.Note: Your terminal program may display a character for the NAK control code, typically thecharacter “§“. This will be displayed every second until the download has started.7. After the file has been downloaded, the system will reboot automatically and load using thenew software.REMOTE SOFTWARE UPGRADENote: For security purposes, we recommend that you disable the TFTP Server after the upgradeis complete.To remotely upgrade the system, you are required to have a PC/workstation that is connected tothe system’s network. It must have the following features:• TELNET client• TFTP clientTo perform a remote upgrade, first upgrade to the latest SSB, if required, then upgrade the OSW.The Release Notes will indicate whether or not the SSB needs to be upgraded.Note: If, during a remote upgrade, the compressed file set cannot be uncompressed into the FlashFile System due to a lack of space, the compressed file set will not be deleted from the FlashFile System and the previous version of the OSW will be booted. If the OSW determinesthere is a compressed file set (a file suffix of .OSW) in the Flash File System, then thefollowing message is logged in the system log:>flash updateWARNING: You are about to restart the system.You should allow 30 seconds before a system restart occurs.Do you still wish to restart (Y or N)?