Small Office Remote Access Switch 301C ONFIGURING C ALL C ONTROLMonthly Call Chargemore than 3 call attempts within 2 seconds. This prevents certain model switches from beingoverloaded. In areas where these low capacity switches are not installed, calls can be made morefrequently.Before the system initiates a data connection, it first checks the time at which the last connectionwas initiated. If the time from the last connection attempt to the new connection attempt is less thanthe configured call interval, the new connection is placed on an outgoing call queue. The queue isthen serviced at the configured call interval.M ONTHLY C ALL C HARGECONFIGURING M ONTHLY CALL CHARGEU SING CFGEDIT1. Select Call Charges from the Call Control Options menu.2. Follow the onscreen instructions to enable this feature.3. Enter the maximum monthly charge you would like to set (specified in Yen for NTTconnections).4. Select the action to take if the maximum is exceeded.M ONTHLY C ALL CHARGE CONFIGURATION E LEMENTSS TATUSAllows you to enable or disable the monthly call charge option.M AXIMUM MONTHLY C HARGEThe maximum monthly charge value. The legal values are from 1 to 10,000,000. This value isspecified according to the country’s currency.ACTIONSelect the action to be taken if the maximum monthly call charge is exceeded. The Stop Callingaction will cause the system to stop initiating switched calls. Dedicated connections and incomingcalls will continue to operate normally. The continue calling action will cause the system tocontinue making calls even after the maximum monthly charge is exceeded.M ONTHLY C ALL CHARGE BACKGROUND I NFORMATIONCurrently, this feature is only supported on connections to NTT, NET5, and 1TR6 switches. The“Advice of Charge” information element delivered by the switches are required to track phone callcharges.When the Monthly Call Charges option is enabled, phone call charges are tracked by the system. Ifthe total call charges exceed this configured maximum during the month, the configured action willbe taken. At the beginning of a new month, the current total call charges will be reset to 0.