Small Office Remote Access Switch 227CONFIGURING A DVANCED IP ROUTINGIP Filters3. If you have chosen the comparison operator of “RANGE”, you will be prompted for upper-rangeand lower-range values. If you have chosen a comparison operator other than “RANGE”, you will beprompted for a specific UDP port number.4. Select UDP Destination Port. Note that the ports are specified in terms of an operator.5. Select a comparison operator.6. If you have chosen the comparison operator of “RANGE”, you will be prompted for upper-rangeand lower-range values. If you have chosen a comparison operator other than “RANGE”, you will beprompted for a specific UDP port number.C ONFIGURING ICMPIf you have selected ICMP as your IP protocol, a screen similar to the following is displayed. Notethat the following ICMP defaults constitute a wild card match for any ICMP packet:1. Select ICMP Type.2. Select a comparison operator.3. If you choose “EQUAL”, you may specify an ICMP type of “ANY”, or you may specify a value.If you choose “NOT EQUAL”, you may only specify a numeric value for the ICMP type.4. Select “ICMP Code”.5. Select a comparison operator.6. If you choose “EQUAL”, you may specify an ICMP code of “ANY”, or you may specify a numericvalue. If you choose “NOT EQUAL”, you may only specify a numeric value for the ICMP code.PACKET TYPE "Type_One":1) IP Source Address AND EQUAL IP Destination Address AND EQUAL IP Protocol EQUAL ICMP4) ICMP Type EQUAL ANY5) ICMP Code EQUAL ANYId of the item to change, to accept changes or to cancel