USER’S GUIDE274 CyberSWITCHO VER- SUBSCRIPTION T IMEROver subscription is the situation in which there are more next-hop routers on the WAN that needupdates than there are channels available. When a WAN circuit goes down, a delay (per the over-subscription timer) is incorporated in marking the routes unreachable. This allows the calls to time-multiplex over the limited channels. Valid range for timer: 1 to 10,000 seconds; default: 180 seconds.TRIGGERED RIP/SAP BACKGROUND I NFORMATIONWhen there are a large number of remote destinations, the manual configuration of static routesand services over WAN circuits can pose a burden on system management. Yet running RIP/SAPcould also be problematic; since these are broadcast protocols, periodic broadcasts may not befeasible due to cost and bandwidth considerations. Enabling the Triggered RIP/SAP feature allowsthe CyberSWITCH to send information on the WAN only when there has been an update to thedatabase or a change in the reachability of a next-hop router.Specifically, triggered RIP and SAP updates are only transmitted on the WAN:• when a specific request for a routing/service update has been received;• when the routing or service databases are modified by new information from another interface(in which case, only the latest changes are sent);• when a destination has changed from an unreachable to a reachable state; and• when the unit is powered up.You may customize triggered RIP/SAP operation to your system’s specific needs through theglobal timers. The global timers are user-controlled; they are described in detail in the ConfigurationElements section (page 273), and include the following:• database timer• hold-down timer• retransmission timer• polling timer• over-subscription timerIPX-S PECIFIC I NFORMATION FOR D EVICESNote: The Configuring Device Level Databases chapter contains general information needed toconfigure on-node device entries. The following sections provide instructions for enteringon-node device information specific to IPX routing and/or bridging using the IPX RemoteLAN interface.CONFIGURING IPX DEVICESWAN D EVICESU SING CFGEDIT1. Select Security from the main menu.2. Select Device Level Databases from the security menu.3. Select On-node Device Entries from the authentication database menu.