USER’S GUIDE372 CyberSWITCHIP Security Rejection - Digit string wrong lengthIP Security Rejection - Invalid Security ID string>Review the system configuration for the Device List. You can also refer to the System Messageschapter for the message meanings and the appropriate actions to be taken. The first twomessages indicate that the system did not receive the required protocol data. The second twomessages indicate that the security configuration is incorrect.5. For PPP Devices:If the system displays any error or warning messages that begin with the following prefixes:[PAP].....[CHAP].....[AUTH].....There probably is an error in the remote device configuration. Review your remote deviceconfiguration. You can also refer to the System Messages chapter for the message meanings andthe appropriate actions to be taken.M ULTI -LEVEL SECURITYProblem:A remote device is not able to receive a ping response from a local device when the remote deviceis authenticated on both the device level and the user level.Action:1. Ensure that the remote device can ping across the network with User Level AuthenticationDISABLED.2. Disconnect the call if it is still up.3. Check to see if the User Level Security database and server are properly configured. Ensurethat the user ID and password are accurate.4. If the problem is still not resolved, contact Customer Support.LAN A TTACHMENTProblem:The LAN TEST command displays the following message:LAN port 1 Transmit was not successfulAction:1. Check to see if the Ethernet LAN is properly connected to the CyberSWITCH.2. Check to see if the Ethernet LAN is properly terminated.(Test: Can any other machine transmit data successfully onto this LAN?)3. If the problem is still not resolved, contact Customer Support.