USER’S GUIDE24 CyberSWITCHsystems central database access for security authentication purposes. Instructions for obtaining thiselectronic document can be found in Configuring Off-node Server Information.If you have Internet access, you may obtain this guide by following the steps outlined below:• Use your Web browser to get to the following address:http:// service.nei.com• From the resulting screen, click on Public.• Click on the Radius directory.• Click on the Docs directory. The guide will be under this directory.The Release Notes provide release highlights and important information related to this release. TheRelease Notes may be displayed during software installation (or upgrade). They may also bedisplayed after the system is operating by issuing thelist rel_note.txt console command.GUIDE C ONVENTIONSThe following conventions are used throughout the documentation:System CommandsAll system commands (Administration and Manage Mode commands) are italicized, and in adifferent font than the general text. For example, if you are instructed to enter the command to testfor proper LAN connections, the command would appear as follows:lan statsCFGEDIT SCREENSScreens that appear on the monitor as you are configuring your system using the CFGEDIT utilitywill be displayed using the style shown below:MONITOR DISPLAYSAny messages or text that is displayed on your monitor will be shown in the style below:LAN Port #> is now in the LISTENING stateWAN Port #> is now in the FORWARDING stateLAN Port #> is now in the LEARNING stateLAN Port #> is now in the FORWARDING stateDOCUMENTATION TITLESAll references to CyberSWITCH documentation titles will use the same font as normal text, but willbe italicized. For example, all references to the User’s Guide will appear as:User’s GuideMain Menu:1) Physical Resources2) Options3) Security4) Save ChangesSelect function from above or to exit: PreviousNext |