![Cabletron Systems CyberSWITCH CSX150 User Manual Manual pdf 138 page image](https://manuals-archive2.s3.amazonaws.com/2831120/4a1e4df1e4fcff695c6ebb9891f6c6f7138f.jpg)
USER’S GUIDE138 CyberSWITCH4. The Device Table menu will then be displayed similar to the example screen shown below:We suggest that you first enter the information pertaining to the device’s access type(s). Accesstypes include: ISDN (which also includes configuration elements for devices connecting overdedicated links), Frame Relay, and X.25 (see above menu). Most devices use an ISDN access, inwhich case you would complete the information under ISDN. Note that it is possible for adevice to primarily use Frame Relay or X.25, with ISDN as a backup access. In this case, youwould enter ISDN information in addition to Frame Relay or X.25 information.Refer to the section(s) below that pertain to the device’s access type. Then continue with the restof the device configuration.5. For ISDN (and dedicated) devices, begin by selecting ISDN from the Device Table Menu. Thefollowing menu will be displayed with the shown preconfigured default values:a. If you will not be using the default of PPP as your line protocol, select (1), ISDN LineProtocol and select the type you will be using.b. Check to see if the default base data rate, initial data rate, and maximum data rate areacceptable. If not, change the default values through the above menu (selections 2, 3, and4). From the same menu, you will also need to configure the first dial-out number (if youwant dial-out capabilities to this device).c. The Profile Name pertains to the Bandwidth Reservation feature. The Device Profile entryidentifies which line or lines are reserved for a particular profile.d. H0 Call Support can be enabled for devices who need more bandwidth to accomplish largefile transfers or video conferencing.Device Table Menu: (Device = "DAN")1) ISDN2) Frame Relay3) X.254) Authentication5) IP6) IPX7) AppleTalk8) Bridge9) POTS10) CompressionSelect function from above or for previous menu: 1Device ISDN Menu: (device = "DAN")1) ISDN Line Protocol. "PPP (Point to Point Protocol)"2) Base Data Rate. "64000 bps"3) Initial Data Rate. "64000 bps"4) Maximum Data Rate. "128000 bps"5) Dial Out Phone Number(s). ""6) Subaddress. ""7) Profile Name. "Default_Profile"8) H0 Call Support DISABLEDSelect function from above or for previous menu: 1