Small Office Remote Access Switch 229CONFIGURING A DVANCED IP ROUTINGIP FiltersCONFIGURING CONNECTION F ILTERSThe IP Connection Filter is used at the point when an IP packet attempts to establish an outboundconnection in order to continue the forwarding process. Its configuration parallels that offorwarding filters.U SING CFGEDIT1. Select Connection Filter from the IP Filter menu.2. Enable the Connection Filter. (By default, the Connection Filter is disabled.)3. Select Edit the Connection Filter. A screen similar to the following will be displayed:4. Select Add to add a condition.5. Enter the name of the packet type to be forwarded. A screen similar to the following is thendisplayed:6. If the filter already has a forwarding condition (other than the final condition), an additional promptis presented concerning the condition’s position within the filter. Enter the location within thefilter where the condition is to be added:• at the beginning• at the end• after the existing condition with id number “n”.Note: If the Final Condition of the filter needs modification, do so via the Default Conditionselection on the Conditions for Filter menu. In this screen context, default condition refers tofinal condition.Conditions for "Connect_Filter"Final ConditionDISCARD All Other Types(1) Add, (2) Change, (3) Delete, (4) Move a CONDITION,(5) Change Default Condition or press for previous menu?Conditions for "Connect_Filter"id1 FORWARD "Type_Two"Final ConditionDISCARD All Other Types(1) Add, (2) Change, (3) Delete, (4) Move a CONDITION,(5) Change Default Condition or press for previous menu?