USER’S GUIDE500 CyberSWITCHCONFIGURATION -RELATED C OMMANDSThe following commands provide configuration file information, and restore backup configurationfiles:cfgProvides information on the status of system configuration changes. With Manage Mode and/or CFGEDIT, you can make changes to the system configuration. (This, in turn, changes the .neifiles.) If you do not commit these changes (Manage Mode) or restart your system (CFGEDIT),these changes do not become current. This command identifies whether or not changes havebeen made which are not yet current. The command will display the following information:restoreReplaces the current configuration files with the configuration backup files (.bak files) locatedin the \CONFIG directory, thus restoring the previous system configuration. Because thiscommand will destroy your current configuration, a warning is displayed when issued:WARNING:This command overwrites your current configuration files. Are you sureyou want to restore your old configuration? (Y or N)If you indeed want to restore the old configuration, type “Y”. If not, type “N” (default).Note that you must have saved configuration changes at least one time before therestorecommand will work.R ESTARTING THE C YBER SWITCHrestartGenerally used from a remote site (when using Telnet or TFTP), although it is functional froma local console as well. Therestart command reboots the system and automatically startsup the system software. Issue this command after making configuration changes withCFGEDIT, in order for these changes to take effect.If you prefer, you can make configuration changes and store them remotely. Later, you cantransfer the changes (the .nei files) to the system using TFTP. In order for these changes to takeeffect, you would need to issue therestart command from the Telnet session of your remoteterminal.Note: If you lose your Telnet connection within 10 seconds of entering therestartcommand, the command will not be executed.Unsaved Manage Mode Changes Exist.........YES (or NO)Cfgedit Changes Have Been Saved...........YES (or NO)System Data Differs from Config Files.....YES (or NO)To Synchronize System Data With Config Files........RESTART THE SYSTEM(or COMMIT FROM MANAGE MODE)