Small Office Remote Access Switch 541SYSTEM S TATISTICSAppleTalk StatisticsatechoInRepliesThe count of AppleTalk Echo replies received.A PPLETALK R OUTING TABLE M AINTENANCE P ROTOCOL (RTMP) STATISTICSYou can display this subgroup of AppleTalk statistics by issuing theatalk stats rtmp consolecommand.rtmpInDataPktsA count of the number of good RTMP data packets received by this system.rtmpOutDataPktsA count of the number of RTMP packets sent by this system.rtmpInRequestPktsA count of the number of good RTMP Request packets received by this system.rtmpNextIREqlChangesA count of the number of times RTMP changes the Next Internet Router in a routing entry becausethe hop count advertised in a routing table was equal to the current hop count for a particularnetwork.rtmpNextIRLesChangesA count of the number of times RTMP changes the Next Internet Router in a routing entry becausethe hop count advertised in a routing table was less than the current hop count for a particularnetwork.rtmpRouteDeletesA count of the number of times RTMP deletes a route because it was aged out of the table. This canhelp to detect routing problems.rtmpRoutingTblOvflwsThe number of times RTMP attempted to add a route to the RTMP table but failed due to lack ofspace.A PPLETALK ZONE INFORMATION PROTOCOL (ZIP) S TATISTICSYou can display this subgroup of AppleTalk statistics by issuing theatalk stats zip consolecommand.zipInZipQueriesThe number of ZIP Queries received by this system.zipInZipRepliesThe number of ZIP Replies received by this system.zipInZipExtRepliesThe number of ZIP Extended Replies received by this system.