Small Office Remote Access Switch 289CONFIGURING APPLE T ALK ROUTINGAppleTalk Ports8. If you are configuring your system in the nondiscovery mode (you entered numbers other than0 or 0-0 for the network range/number), complete the following:a. Enter either the suggested AppleTalk address or the suggested AppleTalk node Id(depending on AppleTalk network type configured).• For extended networks: enter the suggested AppleTalk address (includes the networknumber and the node’s Id).• For nonextended networks: enter the suggested node Id.For the LAN port type, the address/node Id is optional. For the WAN port type, you mustconfigure this information.b. Enter the zone name(s).• For extended networks, you may configure the network with multiple zones. Youmust enter a default zone name, then, if desired, you may enter additional zone names.• For nonextended networks, you may only configure one zone.9. Return to the main AppleTalk Configuration Menu.APPLE TALK PORTS CONFIGURATION E LEMENTSPORT TYPEThe type of physical network segment that the port connects to. The port type may either be LAN,WAN, WAN UnNumbered, WAN (Mac Dial In) or WAN (Remote LAN).• The LAN port type indicates that the system is physically connected to an Ethernet LAN seg-ment.• The WAN port type creates logical AppleTalk networks over WAN. It creates a logical Apple-Talk network that comprises of multiple numbered point-to-point links with the same Apple-Talk network range.• The WAN (UnNumbered) port type also creates a logical AppleTalk network over WAN. It en-ables the system to use unnumbered point-to-point links.• The WAN (Mac Dial In) port type allows multiple remote Macintosh devices to connect vianumbered point-to-point links.• The WAN (Remote LAN) port type allows remote bridge devices to connect to other AppleTalkrouter ports. The AppleTalk router then treats all bridge devices connected to the Remote LANas if they were on an Ethernet LAN segment. All port parameters for the WAN (Remote LAN)port are the same as those of the WAN port type.PORT NAMEA 1 to 16 character user-defined name that identifies the port to the system administrator.LAN PORT NUMBERFor LAN port types only. This parameter indicates the port number of the Ethernet resource towhich the physical LAN is connected.APPLETALK NETWORK TYPEThe type of AppleTalk network that the port connects to. Possible network types are Extended andNonExtended.• The Extended Network type indicates that the system is connected to an Extended AppleTalknetwork, which allows addressing of more than 254 nodes and supports multiple zones.• The NonExtended Network indicates that the system is connected to a NonExtended AppleTalknetwork, which supports addressing of up to 254 nodes and supports only one zone.