Small Office Remote Access Switch 415SYSTEM M ESSAGESSystem Message SummaryCause received for DLCI A CLLM message was received indicating that the PVC associated with the indicated DLCI issubject to the event denoted by the indicated cause code. These events are listed below with theircorresponding cause code:CB disconnect:(1) Password IncorrectCB disconnect:(2) Call-back number not foundCB disconnect:(3) Ethernet address inconsistentCB disconnect:(4) Disconnecting for Call-backCB disconnect:(5) Invalid Packet ReceivedCB disconnect:(6) Unable to resolve protocolsCB disconnect:(7) Inband TimeoutCB disconnect:(8) Line Integrity ViolationCB disconnect:(?) UnspecifiedFor all of the above Combinet generated messages, the Combinet has disconnected for the indicatedreason. Check your Combinet configuration, and adjust if necessary. If problem persists, contactyour Combinet distributor.[CCP] Internal Decompression FailureThe system was unable to decompress a packet though the frame was delivered properly from aprotocol perspective. This is an unexpected condition with a properly functioning deviceimplementation and is thus considered a unrecoverable error. The system will close the CCPprotocol, meaning that the connection continues to operate, but in an uncompressed mode.[CCP] Option Negotiation Failure, Non-Convergence detectedDuring PPP negotiation, the system attempted to negotiate CCP, but it was not possible to arriveat a mutually acceptable set of protocol parameters with the connected device. The connectioncontinues to operate, but without compression.The cause of this problem may result from:• the system has too little memory to support compression, or• the two devices involved don’t agree on which bridging/routing protocol to use (due to a mis-configuration)Check configuration for correct protocol. If this is not the problem, check memory availability.CDR was unable to obtain a buffer to report a CDR eventA buffer was unavailable to send a call detail recording event log message, and the message wasdiscarded. This message is logged once when the condition first occurs. It will not be logged againuntil the condition has been cleared and CDR has successfully obtained a buffer. If the conditionoccurs again later, another message will be logged.Cause Code Event2 Mild congestion3 Severe congestion7 Fixed fault notification: facility/equipmentfailure10 Discard all frames: maintenance action inprogress PreviousNext |