Small Office Remote Access Switch 493S YSTEM COMMANDSAccessing Dynamic ManagementautobaudThis command notifies the boot device to check the baud rate. It prepares the boot device torecognize an imminent change. At this time, you should be prepared to set or change the baudrate in your communications package.updateThis command notifies the boot device that you are attempting a new upgrade. It is preparingthe SSB for download of software via the XMODEM.recoverThis command notifies the boot device that you are attempting a download of the Second StageBoot software.Press Enter (Carriage Return) to skip the 10-second delay between the first and second stageboot.For specific situations of command usage, refer to Upgrading System Software.A CCESSING D YNAMIC M ANAGEMENTThe Dynamic Management feature provides a “real-time” management mechanism that allowschanges to system parameters without interrupting the current execution state of the systemsoftware. This feature consists of a series of console commands that allow you to display currentsystem parameters, change many parameters dynamically, and write changes to disk files so thatthey remain permanent.All dynamic management commands must be issued through a special mode of operation calledManage Mode. To enter Manage Mode, type the following command at the system prompt:>manageOnce Manage Mode is entered, the prompt changes from“>” to “MANAGE>“.While operatingin Manage Mode, Manage Mode commands are the only commands available. All other systemcommands are ignored until you enter theexit command to return to normal system commandmode.V IEWING OPERATIONAL INFORMATIONThe following commands are used to view system operational information:?Displays a help screen outlining all of the commands that are statsDisplays the current system packet statistics. Refer to Bridge Statistics, for a list of availablestatistics and their definitions.clsClears the administration screen.