USER’S GUIDE300 CyberSWITCHThe average throughput is 40% for the third sample rate period. This is less than the configuredutilization, so out of the last 3 samples (a sliding window is in use), 1 out of 3 samples havethroughput that is greater than the configured utilization. The overload condition has still not beenmet. No extra calls are made.After the fourth sample rate period (20 seconds have now passed), the first sample is dropped. Theaverage throughput for the new sample is below the configured utilization percentage. Therefore,1 out of 3 samples have throughput that is greater than the configured utilization. No extra calls aremade.After the fifth sample period, the second sample taken is dropped. The average throughput for thenew sample taken is 60%. But because the sample dropped was a sample that was greater than theconfigured utilization, there still are only 1 out of 3 samples that are greater than the configuredutilization.After the sixth sample period, the third sample taken is dropped. The average throughput for thenew sample is over the configured utilization. The trigger then has been met; two out of threesamples have met the overload condition. An extra call will be added, and the process will be reset.C ALL INTERVAL PARAMETERSCONFIGURING THE CALL I NTERVAL PARAMETERSU SING CFGEDIT1. Select Call Intervals from the Call Control Options menu.2. Enter the minimum time interval between call attempts.CALL I NTERVAL CONFIGURATION ELEMENTSM INIMUM TIME I NTERVALThe configured call interval is the minimum time between call attempts. The system will not makea call attempt in less than the configured call attempt value. However, due to the system hardwareclock resolution, the actual time interval may be greater than the configured value. The defaultvalue is 0.70 seconds. The range of the configured value is 0 to 5 seconds, in 1/100 secondincrements. A configured value of 0 implies that the system will make call attempts without anydelay between them.CALL I NTERVAL B ACKGROUND I NFORMATIONThis parameter allows the configuration of the minimum interval between call attempts. Thisinterval applies to the entire system, including all lines, sites, and devices.The Call Interval is configured in terms of hundredths of seconds. The default value is .7 seconds.The range of the configured value is 0 to 5 seconds. A configured value of 0 implies that the systemwill make call attempts without any delay between them.The default value of .7 seconds is compliant with the Communications Industries Association ofJapan’s(CIAJ) regulation. This regulation states that no customer premise equipment should make