Small Office Remote Access Switch 351S YSTEM VERIFICATIONVerifying IP RIPcommand is used by a specific router to display the IP routing table. Substitute the equivalentcommand for your IP router.The steps to verify the operation of IP RIP output processing on a WAN interface are:1. Make sure that a dedicated connection between system and Router is up and operational. Onthe system’s administration console:Type:csIf the connection to Router is displayed, the continue with the next step.2. Determine if Router has learned the route to from the system. On the Router:Type:show ip routeIf the route to is displayed, the IP RIP output processing is operational.If the route is NOT displayed, refer to IP RIP Output Processing on a WAN Interface in the ProblemDiagnosis chapter.VERIFY IP RIP I NPUT PROCESSING O PERATIONAL ON A WAN INTERFACETo verify that IP RIP Input Processing (routes learning) is properly operational on a WAN interface,the IP RIP processing must be successfully initialized.The same example that is used in the previous section is used to verify IP RIP input processing ona WAN interface.To verify the operation of IP RIP Input processing on a WAN interface:1. Make sure that a dedicated connection between system and Router is up and operational. Onthe CyberSWITCH administration console:Type:csIf the connection to Router is displayed, the continue with the next step.2. Determine if system has learned the route to from the Router. On the CyberSWITCHadministration console:Type:ip routeIf the route to is displayed, the IP RIP input processing is operational.If the route is NOT displayed, refer to IP RIP Input Processing on a WAN Interface in the ProblemDiagnosis chapter.Dedicated ConnectionRouter192.1.1.1