USER’S GUIDE66 CyberSWITCHOnce Manage Mode is entered, the prompt changes from [system name]> to [system name]:MANAGE>. While operating in Manage Mode, only Dynamic Management commands are available.All other system commands are ignored until you exit Manage Mode.The key sequence will terminate the current command and return you to theMANAGE> prompt. This is useful if you are in the process of responding to a series of prompts andyou wish to abort the command without responding to the remaining prompts.Note: To use a command, you may enter the full command name as it appears in the HELP list,or you may shorten the command to the point that it can still be distinguished from allother Dynamic Management commands.UTILITY DYNAMIC M ANAGEMENT COMMANDSThere are several Manage Mode commands that are used for functions other than to configure thesystem. They are as follows:clsClears the display screen. This command is also available as an administration command.helpThe Manage Mode help command lists the available Dynamic Management commands andinstructs the user to enter the command followed by a question mark to see help informationfor that specific command.readmeDisplays helpful tips on how to use the Dynamic Management commands.SAVING D YNAMIC M ANAGEMENT CHANGESThe Dynamic Management commands allow system data to be changed in real-time. Thesechanges take effect immediately upon the execution of the command and remain in effect until thesystem is restarted. Once a software restart occurs, the changes are lost because the software readsits initial system data values from a series of configuration files.To prevent desired data changes from being overwritten by the restart process, thecommitcommand should be executed. This command writes the current system data to the appropriatedisk files, thus making all changes permanent, even if the system software is restarted.Thecommit status command displays the number of dynamic changes that have been madeusing each Dynamic Management command since the lastcommit was performed.To return to the normal operating mode after you have committed your changes, issue thefollowing command:MANAGE>exit