USER’S GUIDE330 CyberSWITCHto operate, albeit without compression. An error message will be logged indicating an internaldecompression failure.Compression is negotiated independently on inbound and outbound channels. It is possible toprovide compression in one direction while not in the opposite direction.Should the peer not support PPP compression, CCP will fail to converge and the link will continueto operate without providing compression. Should the peer support CCP, but not the Stac protocol,the CCP negotiation will succeed, but no actual compression will occur on the connection.Note: The CyberSWITCH does not support individual link compression when PPP Multilink isnegotiated to aggregate multiple links. Multiple links to a single destination will be treatedas a single high capacity link as far as PPP compression is concerned. One history will bekept for the group of links, and packets will be compressed before they are fragmented fortransmission across the multiple links.The following documents provide additional information about PPP Compression:• The PPP Compression Control Protocol (CCP); RFC 1962; Dave Rand; June, 1996.• PPP Stac LZS Compression Protocol; RFC 1974; Robert Friend and William Allen Simpson; Au-gust 1996.TFTPCONFIGURING TFTPNote: You cannot configure TFTP through CFGEDIT. The configuration can only be donethrough Manage Mode commands.U SING M ANAGE M ODE C OMMANDStftpThis command displays the current TFTP configuration. The TFTP configuration informationincludes the following items:• operational status of the TFTP feature (enabled or disabled)• operational status of the TFTP Client (enabled or disabled)• operational status of the TFTP Server (enabled or disabled)• the file access rights for the TFTP Server (ADMIN or GUEST)tftp changeThis command allows you to change the current TFTP configuration. You can enable or disablethe TFTP feature, TFTP Client, and the TFTP Server. You can also change the file access rightsfor the TFTP Server.