USER’S GUIDE610 CyberSWITCH97 61 message type non-existent or not implementedIndicates that the receiving equipment received a message that wasnot recognized either because the message type was invalid, orbecause the message type was valid but not supported. This is eithera problem with the remote configuration or a problem with the localD-channel.98 62 message not compatible with call stateormessage type non-existent or not implementedorwrong messageIndicates that an invalid message was received and that no standardcause applies. D-channel error. If this error is returnedsystematically, report the occurrence to your authorized serviceprovider.99 63 information element nonexistent or not implementIndicates that an invalid message was received by the remoteequipment that contained information elements which were notrecognized. D-channel error. If this error is returned systematically,report the occurrence to your authorized service provider.100 64 invalid information element contentsIndicates that a message was received by the remote equipment thatincluded invalid information in the information element. D-channelerror.101 65 wrong message for state (message not compatible with call state)Indicates that remote equipment received an unexpected messagethat did not correspond to the current state of the connection. D-channel error.102 66 recovery on timer expiryIndicates that an error-handling (recovery) procedure has beeninitiated by a timer expiry. This should be a temporary problem.103 67 mandatory information element error111 6F protocol errorIndicates an unspecified D-channel error when no other standardcause applies.112 70 local procedure error 1TR6113 71 remote procedure error 1TR6127 7F internetworking, unspecifiedIndicates that an event occurred but that the network does notprovide causes for the actions that it takes, therefore the precisenature of the event cannot be ascertained. This may, or may not,indicate the occurrence of an error.Dec Value Hex Value Q.931 Cause