USER’S GUIDE146 CyberSWITCHP ROFILE N AMEThe device profile identifies which line or lines are reserved for a particular profile, which in turnare reserved for a particular device(s). The feature that uses this configuration element, BandwidthReservation, is described in detail, in the Configuring Call Control chapter.FRAME RELAY A CCESS CONFIGURATION ELEMENTSNote: These elements are configured for Frame Relay devices only.PVC C ONFIGUREDInformation of the already configured frame relay virtual circuit which will be used for connectionsto the remote device. Currently, only permanent virtual circuits (PVCs) are provided by framerelay. If this information appears in a device entry, frame relay will be used first for the connection(regardless of any backup ISDN information configured).X.25 A CCESS C ONFIGURATION E LEMENTSNote: These elements are configured for X.25 devices only.V IRTUAL C IRCUITSSpecify an already-configured virtual circuit (either PVC or SVC) to be used for connections to thisremote device. (Any two communicating X.25 devices must have a virtual circuit associationbetween them before they can exchange data.)X.121 ADDRESSIf you choose an SVC for your virtual circuit, you must provide the X.121 address of the remotedevice you are currently adding to the Device Table. (The X.121 addresses for both local and remotedevices are provided by your X.25 provider.)A UTHENTICATION C ONFIGURATION E LEMENTSPAP P ASSWORDThis password is used by PPP line protocol for PAP authentication. This is an unencryptedpassword value (a string of 1 to 12 ASCII characters) used as a security check when PAP PasswordSecurity is enabled. (PAP is an authentication protocol defined in RFC 1334 as part of the PPPprotocol suite.) At connection establishment time, the calling party sends an unencrypted deviceidentifier and password combination over the WAN to the system. The system looks up the DeviceName based on the received device identifier and validates the password for that device. If thepassword received matches the password configured for the identified device, the call is accepted.Otherwise, the call is disconnected.This value is stored in the same location as the bridge password, so a change to one passwordaffects the other.CHAP S ECRETThis field is used by PPP line protocol for CHAP authentication. This is a string of 1 to 17 ASCIIcharacters that is used as a security check when CHAP Challenge Security is enabled. (CHAP is anauthentication protocol defined in RFC 1334 as part of the PPP protocol suite.) CHAP ischaracterized by a highly secure challenge and response mechanism which is performed atconnection setup, and which can optionally be repeated throughout the existence of the connection.A shared CHAP Secret is configured for the devices at both ends of the connection. Refer to System