USER’S GUIDE204 CyberSWITCHM ANUAL M ODE H ARDWARE F ILTERINGWhen the system software initializes in the manual mode, no bridge learning occurs. Instead, thebridge will skip the learning phase and move directly to the forwarding phase. The system willcheck to see if the incoming packet’s destination bridge address is on the configured list ofaddressees. Thus, when a packet destined for one of the addresses in the list is received, it will bebridged normally. Multicast frames are handled the same regardless of whether this feature isenabled or not. Unicast frames destined for MAC addresses not configured manually will not bebridged. Up to 63 destination MAC addresses can be configured in this mode.A UTO M ODE HARDWARE FILTERINGWhen the system software initializes in the auto mode, the bridge will use its normal phases. Onceit reaches the forwarding phase, bridging will progress as if hardware filtering were not enabled.As the bridge learns about remote MAC addresses, they are added to the MAC address list forhardware filtering. Once either the time limit or the limit of number of addresses is reached, thehardware filtering feature will be enabled. A message is then written to the log.B RIDGE FILTERSCONFIGURING B RIDGE F ILTERSNote: Bridge dial out calls can be initiated through the use of a Known Connect list or throughthe use of bridge filters. For a description of bridge dial out through bridge filters, refer tothe section titled Dial Out Using Bridge Filters.U SING CFGEDIT1. Select Bridge Filters from the Bridging menu.2. Configure any needed protocol definitions. These definitions will be used if you configure anyprotocol filters. To configure a protocol definition:a. Select to add a protocol definition.b. Enter a user-defined name for the protocol definition.c. Enter the Ethernet type in hex.d. Enter the LSAP in hex.3. Configure source MAC filters.a. Select to add a MAC filter.b. Enter the source MAC address.c. Select a distribution list.4. Configure destination MAC filters.a. Select to add a destination MAC filter.b. Enter the destination MAC address.c. Select a distribution list.