USER’S GUIDE174 CyberSWITCH2. Selection (1) from the TACACS Specific Device Login Menu allows you to change the passwordcontrol character:3. Selection (2) from the TACACS Specific Device Login Menu allows you to customize theprompt order for device login. This prompt is particularly important, because the order ofprompts must be the same as the order expected by the TACACS server. Selection (2) displaysthe following:4. Selection (3) from the TACACS Specific Device Login Menu allows you to adjust the returncode messages upon login attempt:Note: There is no customization of Specific Device Login for the ACE Server.U SING M ANAGE M ODEnetloginDisplays the current network login configuration data. After entering thenetlogincommand, you will be prompted for the type of login configuration information you want. Theprompt will resemble the CFGEDIT screen in which this information was originallyconfigured. You may display: user level security general configuration, login banners, loginconfiguration specific to RADIUS, and login configuration specific to TACACS.Enter control character used to switch from LOGIN to CHANGE PASSWORD mode.Select the control character that you wish to us by typingcaret (‘^’) followed by another character (example: ^A),or ‘0’ to disable [Default = ^R]? <RET>TACACS Device Login Prompt Order Menu:Current Prompt Order is:-----------------------------------------------------------------First Prompt is LOGIN ID PROMPT (fixed)Second Prompt is DYNAMIC PASSWORD PROMPTThird Prompt is USER PASSWORD PROMPT1) Prompt OrderSelect function from above or for previous menu:TACACS Return Code Messages Menu:RESPONSE REASON MESSAGE-----------------------------------------------------------------1) ACCEPTED(1) NONE(0) ""2) ACCEPTED(1) EXPIRING(1) "**** Password about to expire ****"3) ACCEPTED(1) PASSWORD(2) "**** Password expiration imminent ****"4) REJECTED(2) NONE(0) "**** Login invalid ****"5) REJECTED(2) EXPIRING(1) "**** Please change PIN ****"6) REJECTED(2) PASSWORD(2) "**** Device/Password invalid ****"7) REJECTED(2) DENIED(3) ""Select function from above or for previous menu: