Small Office Remote Access Switch 143CONFIGURING D EVICE L EVEL DATABASESOn-node Device EntriesFor IP Remote LAN networks, you must explicitly configure the IP (Sub)Network number.For IPX Remote LAN networks, you may configure the IPX external network number, or youmay leave the value at NONE. The IPX Spoofing Options for IPX Remote LAN devices are notavailable at this time. For additional information, please refer to the Configuring IPX chapter,Remote LAN Devices.For AppleTalk Remote LAN networks, you may configure the AppleTalk network number/range (used on the Remote LAN for this device), or you may leave the value at NONE.13. To enter any needed POTS information for your device, select POTS Priority Information fromthe Device Table Configuration Menu. The following screen will be displayed:Select the type of POTS priority you want for this device.14. To enable per-device compression information, select Compression from the Device TableMenu. The following menu will then be displayed:a. If compression is not already enabled for this device, press 1 and follow the onscreeninstructions to change the configuration to enabled.b. If the remote device does not use 1 as the starting PPP STAC-LZS sequence number, press2 to enter a new value for the starting sequence number.U SING M ANAGE M ODE C OMMANDSdeviceDisplays the current Device Table. Included in this display is each device’s ID and name. Afterthe list has been displayed, you may enter a specific device Id to display detailed informationfor that device.device addAllows you to add a device entry to the Device Table. You will be prompted for the devicename and device type. The rest of the information you will be prompted for will depend uponthe device type you are configuring, and the security options that are enabled. Note that thedevice name is case sensitive. You are prompted for the device information similarly to the wayyou are prompted by CFGEDIT. Refer to the above section, Using CFGEDIT for instructions.Change POTS Priority Information (Device = "USER1")1) Preemption Of 2nd B-channel by POTS2) Disconnection by POTS for last B-channelSelect function from above or for previous menu:Device Compression Menu: (device = "DAN")1) Compression ENABLED2) Starting PPP STAC-LZS Sequence Number 1Select function from above or for previous menu: