USER’S GUIDE202 CyberSWITCHS PANNING T REE P ROTOCOLCONFIGURING S PANNING TREE P ROTOCOLU SING CFGEDIT1. Select Spanning Tree from the Bridging menu.2. Enter the bridge age time.SPANNING T REE PROTOCOL CONFIGURATION E LEMENTSBRIDGE A GE T IMEIf you are using bridge dial out, you may wish to increase this value to prevent the connection fromaging out before the call is made.B RIDGE MODE OF O PERATIONCONFIGURING THE B RIDGE M ODE OF O PERATIONU SING CFGEDIT1. Select Mode of Operation from the Bridging menu.2. Select the bridge mode of operation. The unrestricted bridge mode is the default.BRIDGE MODE OF O PERATION CONFIGURATION ELEMENTSBRIDGE M ODEThe forwarding method that the bridge will use to distribute LAN packets to the remote sites andto the LAN ports of the CyberSWITCH. The default value is unrestricted bridging.BRIDGE MODE OF O PERATION BACKGROUND I NFORMATIONSelecting the bridge mode of operation allows you to determine the forwarding method that thebridge will use to distribute LAN packets to the remote sites and to the LAN ports of the system.The two possible modes of operation are the Unrestricted Bridge Mode and the Restricted BridgeMode.Note: If the mode of operation is changed, any previously defined filters will be deleted. Anypreviously defined protocol definitions will remain unchanged.The following two sections provide further details for each bridge mode of operation.U NRESTRICTED B RIDGE M ODEIn general, Unrestricted Mode forwards all packets, unless specified otherwise through a bridgefilter. If the Unrestricted Bridge Mode is selected, the following packet forward possibilities exist:• If the packet matches a discard filter, it is discarded.• If the packet matches a connect filter, it is connected and forwarded to the members of the dis-tribution list.